
Pa2X Operating System ver. 2.0.1

Pa2X Operating System version 2.0.1 improves some sounds and fixes some bugs.

Note: After installing this new Operating System, please also load the new Musical Resources (2.0.1). This is mandatory with this OS version. If the User area contains custom data, please save them to a storage device (by using a Save > All operation) before loading the new resources.

New features
Yeni eklenen özellikler (turkish by konficyus)




Musical Resources

Some DNC Sounds have been modified to also work in Mono mode.
Bazı  DNC sesleri Mono modundada çalışacak şekilde modifiye edildi.

Bug fixes
Hata giderimleri

Various Modes

TXT files with the same name of a Standard MIDI File, or TXT files linked to a Standard MIDI File-based SongBook entry, were sometimes not loaded when selecting the referring Song.
Standart Midi dosyaları ile TXT dosyası aynı isimde ise yükleme yaparken sorun yaşanıyormuş

Style Play Mode

The focus on the Tempo field was lost when selecting a different tab in the main page.
Ana sayfadan baska bir sayfaya gecildiginde imlec Tempo alanında durmuyordu.


When saving a SongBook entry over itself, with the “Write Current Resource” option checked, the Key parameter was reset.
Song bookta  kaydetme işlemi sırasında “Write Current Resource” opsiyonu seçili halde kaydedilirken Key parametresi sıfırlanıyordu. (Örneğin orjinal hali Dm olduğu halde bu değer C maj ‘a sıfırlanıyordu.)

Loading a Song-based entry with some particular Keys, and the Italian language selected in Global > Interface, could cause a crash.
İtalyan dil seçiminde (Global>İnterface) Song temelli yükleme işlemlerinde sorun yaşanıyormuş.

Sound Mode

Drum Kits created on a Pa80 (using only Factory Drum samples), and never saved with a Pa1X, Pa2X or Pa800 (in this way, making a file format conversion), could cause problems when loaded on Pa2X/Pa800 OS 2.01.
Drum kit te Pa80 de yazılmış ritimler veya kitler için kaydetme yapılmıyor (Pa80 orjinal manufact sesleriyle yapılmış kitleri pa800 pa1x pa2x te drumkit sayfasına girip hiç bir işlem yapmadan kaydedip çıkıyorduk) artık bu işleme OS2.01 da ihtiyaç yok

Musical Resources

The Performance “Jimmi Org. DNC” and the STS “Organ DNC” now have the Dry parameter turned on on the Upper 2 and Upper 3 tracks.
Performans “Jimmi Org. DNC” ve STS “Organ DNC  Upper1, Upper2 ve Upper3 de artık Dry parametresi “On” olabiliyor.



Pa2X Operating System ver. 2.0

Pa2X Operating System version 2.0 adds new features and fixes some bugs.
Note: After installing this new Operating System, please also load the new Musical Resources (2.0). This is mandatory with this OS version. If the User area contains custom data, please save them to a storage device (by using a Save > All operation) before loading the new resources.

New features

Various Modes

Four Quarter Tone SubScale (SC) Presets

Quarter Tone SubScale functions assignable to the switches and footswitch

Search window

On-the-fly TXT loading possible, when no lyrics data is contained in the Standard MIDI File or linked to a SongBook entry

Style Play Mode

Lyrics page added

Style Record Mode

Channel After Touch can be recorded

New Cue modes for Fills and Variations

Expression leveling

Import/Export SMF Separated by Markers

Song Play Mode

Score View pages

SongBook Mode

Score View pages

Sequencer Mode

Key Signature event can be edited

Sound Mode

Defined Nuance Control (DNC) parameters

DNC functions assignable to the joystick, switches and footswitch

Global Mode

Scale page modified

New Locks added

Balance slider can be programmed as the Acc/Seq-RT Volume control

Pedal/Footswitch Calibration page revised to add some calibration functions

The MP3 Player can be output from the Sub Outs 1 and 2

Write Quarter Tone SC Preset command added

Musical Resources

New Styles

New Performances based on DNC Sounds

New DNC Sounds


Various Modes

A new polyphony algorithm improves the overall performance with a sophisticated real time control, which also takes psychoacoustic parameters into account. Even with denser arrangements, it is less likely you will hear cut notes now.

"Lyrics & Marker"is now "Lyrics / Score"

Zoomed slider and Tempo display do not appear in the Lyrics/Score page.

Context-sensitive Write Global

Chord Recognition

Chord abbreviations are now easier to read, by following the standard suggested by "Standardized Chord Symbol Notation (A Uniform System for the Music Profession)" by C. Roemer and C. Brandt.

Bug fixes


Exporting a multisample as a .KMP file resulted in the Loop and Reverse parameters not being read correctly by the Triton


When erasing a single Style from a .SET file on a storage device, it was also deleted from the internal memory (SSD-S)


Pa800 Operating System ver. 2.0

Yeni eklenen özellikler (turkish by konficyus)

Çeşitli modlar

4 user Scale ön ayarı

Bu ayarlanmış Scalelerin pedala veya switch lere yönlendirebilir olması.Bas pedala makam değişsin.

Arama penceresi. Yorum yok.. (Beklediğim; ses olsun ritm olsun pereformans olsun arama yapıldığında bulunması yönündeydi ama sadece dosya aranıyor. Neyse sağlık olsun)

On-the-fly TXT yükleme imkanı. Standart MIDI veya SongBook girişinmde lyrics bağlı olmasa bile sorun değil.

Style Play Mod

Lyrics sayfası eklendi Shift+Ekran yükle şarkı sözünü ve hem çal hem oku

Style Record Mod

After Touch değerleri kaydedilebilinecek

Atak ve varyasyonlar için başlama işareti modu. (sync start  gibi)

Volume Expression (Ben böyle diyorum ne demektir bu demeyin breath contoller kullananlar anladı sanıyorum) seviyesi  ayarlanabilir olmuş

Import/Export SMF markalanıp ayrılabiliyor

Song Play Mod

Score View sayfası eklendi (Notasyon görüntüleme)

SongBook Mod

Score View sayfası eklendi (Notasyon görüntüleme)

Sequencer Mod

Tuşlara bağlı olaylar artık düzenlenebiliyor

Sound Mod

Organ seslerine  Ninth Drawbar ilave edildi

Defined Nuance Control (DNC) parametreleri. (İncelemek irdelemek lazım. İlginç şeyler var)

DNC fonksiyonları pitch bender dediğimiz joystick zamazingosuna,switchlere veya pedala atanabilecek. Bunun anlamıysa şu: Tavırlı bir sesiniz veya DNC parametrelerinizle bir figür oluşturduğunuzda bu figürü pedala veya atama yapacağınız düğmelere veya pitch bendere yönlendirebileceksiniz

Global Mod

Scale sayfası değişikliğe uğradı

Yeni kilt mekanizmaları eklendi

Balans sürgüsü artık programlanabiliyor (Acc/Seq-RT Volume)

Pedal kalibrasyon sayfası yeniden düzenlendi bazı kalibrasyon fonksiyonları eklendi. Volume expression pedalını ,damper pedalını tam bastım olmadı yarım bastım olmadı denk getiremiyorum demiyeceksiniz keyfinize göre ayarlayabileceksiniz

MP3 çaldırıcıdan çıkan sesi Out1 ve 2 den ayrı olarak çıkıp mixerinize girebileceksiniz

Koma SC(skala) ön ayarları için yazdırma komutu eklenmiş

Muziksel Kaynaklar

Yeni Ritmlerrrr

Yeni performanslarrrrr (DNC ses temeline sahip) Ya bunun zevkini Sample seslerimizde yaşayabilecekmiyiz?

Yeni DNC sesleri


Çeşitli modlar

Polyphoni algoritmaları, komplike yapıya sahip gerçek zaman kontrol elemanları ayrıntılı bir şekilde  geliştirilmiş.

"Lyrics & Marker" artık "Lyrics/Score" oldu. Yani şarkı sözünü markalama değilde notalara söz ekleyeceksiniz ve göreceksiniz

Lyrics/Score sayfasında Tempo ve büyütülmüş sürgü görüntülenmeyecek

Genel hassas ayarlarınız Global’e yazılıyor

Akor tanıma

C. Roemer and C. Brandt. Tarafından verilen öneriler doğrultusunda Akor kısaltmaları daha rahat okunabilecek, “Standartlaştırılmış Akor sembol notasyon olayı yane (Uniform sistem)”

Hata giderimleri


KMP export olayında Tritondan Loop ve Reverse parametreleri doğru okunmuyordu


Bir mobil diskinizden herhangi bir .SET ten tek style silme işleminde dahili bellektende (SSD-S) ritm silme işlemi gerçekleşiyormuş! Düzeltilmiş (Garip?  hiç başınıza geldimi?)












































Pa2X Operating System ver. 1.11

Pa2X Operating System version 1.11 fixes some bugs.

Bug fixes

MP3 Recording

MP3 Recording could unexpectedly stop working. To restore normal operations, a restart was needed.

Harmony Track and Latch On/Off

When any Player (Ply) track was selected as the Voice Processor's Harmony Track(1), and the Chord Harmony Mode was selected for the Voice Processor(2), the Latch On/Off parameter was not turned off, and notes where still taken from the last chord played on the keyboard(3). See the following scheme:

(1) Song Play > Preferences > Track Settings > Harmony Track --> set to any Ply track

(2) Global > Voice Processor Preset > Harmony > Harmony Mode --> set to Chord/Notes

(3) Global > Voice Processor Preset > Harmony > Latch On/Off --> set to On

Now, when the above conditions (1) and (2) are true, Latch On/Off (3) is automatically set to Off, and notes are only received fron a Player track. Latch On/Off can be set to On only when Global is selected as the Harmony Track (1).






Pa2X Operating System ver. 1.11 – 28.08.2008

Pa2X Operating System version 1.11 fixes some bugs


Bug fixes:


MP3 Recording:

MP3 Recording could unexpectedly stop working. To restore normal operations, a restart was needed.


Harmony Track and Latch On/Off:

When any Player (Ply) track was selected as the Voice Processor's Harmony Track(1) , and the Chord Harmony Mode was selected for the Voice Processor(2), the Latch On/Off parameter was not turned off, and notes where still taken from the last chord played on the keyboard(3). See the following scheme:


(1) Song Play > Preferences > Track Settings > Harmony Track --> set to any Ply track

(2) Global > Voice Processor Preset > Harmony > Harmony Mode --> set to Chord/Notes

(3) Global > Voice Processor Preset > Harmony > Latch On/Off --> set to On



Now, when the above conditions (1) and (2) are true, Latch On/Off (3) is automatically set to Off, and notes are only received fron a Player track. Latch On/Off can be set to On only when Global is selected as the Harmony Track (1).



Pa2X Operating System ver. 1.10 - 27.02.2008
Pa2X Operating System version 1.10 adds a new feature, improves some features and fixes some bugs. Note: After installing this new Operating System, please also load the new Musical Resources (1.10). This is mandatory with this OS version. If the User area contains custom data, please save them to a storage device (by using a Save > All operation) before loading the new resources.


New features:

Sound Edit > DrumKit > Sample Setup:
The Reverse option is now editable on RAM Drum Samples.
This function is immediately available to new samples (i.e., those created with OS version 1.10). To make it available to existing samples, you must first convert them to the new format, by using a simple procedure. Load the .SET folder containing the old samples. Go to Sampling mode. From the Record page, choose the existing sample to convert. Without any editing, choose from the page menu the Write command, and save the sample over itself. In
case the sample is stereo, please don’t forget to convert both the L(eft) and R(ight) side of the sample.

Voice Processor > Setup:
Low Cut control added. Cuts away pops and rumble below the selected frequency. Can be set to 60, 80 or 120 Hz.



Global > General Controls > Interface > Background Color:
The names of background colors have now been changed to numbers.

Voice Processor:
Better clipping handling on the audio input signal.
Reduced noise floor when a microphone is connected to the MIC input.
Improved EQ musicality and clarity.
Improved Voice Processor Presets and Global parameters. Warning: By loading the new Musical Resources, all custom presets will be deleted. Before upgrading, save them to a storage device, then, after having loaded the new Musical Resources, load them again one at a time into the available locations.


Bug fixes:

Musical Resources:
The MoreMid Bass recalled a RAM Multisample.
A few Drum Kits had wrong Exclusive Group numbers assigned.

Song Play > Preferences > Track Settings:
Even with the Harmony Track set to one of the Player settings, harmony notes were still received from the keyboard. This only happened when the Harmony Mode parameter (in the Global > Voice Processor Preset > Harmony page) was set to Chord.

When assigning a Song to Player 2 from a SongBook entry, the Voice Processor Preset was changed even if locked (Global > General Controls > Lock page).

Global > Voice Processor Setup:
The “DryOff” label was shown when the value of the Level parameter was turned to zero. This has been removed (no DryOff condition exists in Pa2X).

Global > Voice Processor Preset:
After using a footswitch or an EC5 switch to turn the Delay effect off, it could not be used to turn the Delay effect on again.

Sound Edit, Style Record, Media Load and Erase:
Sometimes, Styles, Pads and Performances could not be overwritten or deleted.

Sound Edit > Main:
Now, physical sliders do change Realtime Control values.

Under certain situations, after a series of Import, Load and Slice operations, the Pa2X was no longer able to boot up.



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